Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Best Friend Is Their Godma

4 years ago when I gave birth to Joey, my dear friend Serene said she wants to be her Godma. It’s very normal actually, most good friends want to be the Godma of each other’s kids.

And since Serene is Joey’s Godma, she also inevitably became Jayne’s Godma because I thought it’s weird if Joey calls her Godma and Jayne doesn’t. It’s like Joey’s Mama is Jayne’s Mama, Joey’s Daddy is Jayne’s Daddy, etc. No need to confuse our kids like that, just keep everything standard.

9 Jan 060

And it’s a blessing to have a Godma like that, who helps us to entertain our kids when things get a little too busy. Mostly, she does it willingly, at other times, she was compelled to do so by Joey. In any case, it’s good for us.

9 Jan 026

Godma has been around for all their birthdays, and of course, she’s ever generous towards them, always giving the great presents!


I think it’s awesome that my kids have so many people who love them so much. I want them to be surrounded with love all the time!!

20-21 Dec 005 

Godma Serene is ever so patient with the kids, largely due to the fact that she sees them only once or twice a week, usually near to the end of the week. That’s perfect for us because that’s when our patience level is at all-time low after taking care of them for a week. :)


To be fair, I also want to be Serene Godma’s kids’ Godma in the future! I chooop first!!!! =)



  1. Eh.... Why seems like I am e focus today? Today kid a
    special day? Errr....

  2. Haha! This post came too late.. Should have been published on your birthday! kekeke

  3. Eh ... I oso velli nice to the girls ma ... Am I not ... hmz ...

  4. i like the last foto... very cute! Hehe
