Friday, March 26, 2010

Her Own Looks

Many people commented recently that Baby Jayne no longer looks like her elder sister, and quite frankly, that makes me sad.

Of course, I want Jayne to have her own looks, personality and style, but the thought that I have 2 identical-looking girls in my house thrills me beyond measure. I actually think it’s cool.


Another common thing people would say is that Joey looks like Isaiah and Jayne looks like me. Seems like a fair deal then, but it only reinforces the fact that the 2 girls don’t look like each other.


I wonder what my 2 girls think about this. Will they be happy or sad knowing they don’t really look alike? I remember as a kid, I always felt very ‘relieved’ that my brother and I don’t look like each other. Wahahaha! Please don’t tell my brother!


Maybe they are glad they have their unique looks. After all, not many people like to look very much like another individual!