Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Big Mummy Kless Giveaway!

Well, I’m not Ellen DeGeneres. I can’t afford to give away laptops, microwaves or lifetime Country Club memberships.

But, I can still do my version of a giveaway, just for my devoted readers! =D


I’m not going to make this difficult. (I know I’m nice)

I’ve thought long and hard about this. I doubt any of you will be that excited if I’m going to give away a pack of Pampers, Pigeon wet wipes, or even a Pooh Bear toddler bed sheet. It’s got to be something that touches our soul, I tell ya. Otherwise, it can hardly count as desirable. And so, this is what it’s gonna be.


A Coffee Bean Card with $15 stored value!


If you’re a coffee lover like me, I’m sure you’ll love this card! But even if you’re not, Coffee Bean has lots of yummy pasta, sandwiches and non-coffee beverages! =D

Now, what do you need to do to get this wonderful card?!

Super, duper easy peasy!

So, all you need to do is to leave a comment under this post starting with the sentence, “What I like about Joey/Jayne (choose one) is ….”

Simple, isn’t it?? =)

From among the comments, I will choose my favorite to be the owner of the Coffee bean card! So, be as personal and creative as you can be!

Remember to leave me your name and email address so that I can contact you if you’re the blessed one! Take note that the closing date will be Tue, 30 March 2010, 5pm (S’pore time).

The winner will be revealed here next Wed! :)

Looking forward to see your comments! =D