Friday, March 19, 2010

My Friends Come & Blog Series: Godma Speaks..

This is Part 2 of ‘My Friend Come & Blog’ series! I’m away in Malaysia for a retreat with my hubby and kids and will be back this weekend. While I’m away, I got my dear friends to be guest bloggers these few days. Have a blast reading their posts! I’ll be back on Monday with a brand new post. =)

This is from Serene, the kids’ Godma (or affectionately known as Ganma by the kids!)

Coming from the kids’ gan-ma… this might just sound a bit mushy. Heehee… However since the mummy aka my bestest & oldest friend requested, I have really no reasons to reject to write something for the kid’s blog. Probably I’ll become famous after this, otherwise at least the kids will have a better idea how did their “gan-ma” came about?

21Dec 021 

I still vividly remember how excited I was that time when Klessis shared with me over msn that she was pregnant with Joey. Immediately without 2nd thoughts, I “volunteered” to be gan-ma of the kid. Very much at that point I do not really know what it means to be “gan-ma” to be your friend’s kid, at that time, all I knew was it seems fun!! Of cos a lot of people (especially the older generation) objected thinking that it is “inauspicious” for an unmarried woman to have god-children. Oh well, to me it is just a more “intimate” salutation rather than aunty serene. Moreover the kids’ parents are really like my elder brother & sister, so having their kids calling me “gan-ma” wouldn’t be such a bad idea afterall.


Come to think of it, it has been almost 4 years since I am “gan-ma” to Joey. It has been really a fun-filled 4 years watching Joey grow up. The first time when Joey learned how to call me “Gan-Ma”… It sounds quite weird actually! Hahaha… maybe becos it sounds really “cheena”… Now it has really become a part of me having a kid who will at times scream at the top of her voice “Gaannnnn-Ma” (p/s: especially when she wants me to buy her things!!!)


To be frank, I’m not that much a kid-lover, in fact I don’t really know how to interact or play with kids. Thou’ I don’t fear them, I definitely do not know how to pacify them… So for any babies below 6 months, you won’t usually see me carrying them. Sometimes I just wonder what is going to happen when I have my own kids in the future? Anyway I thank God that both Joey & Jayne kinda like me since when they are still young. For Joey, she won’t have any problems hanging out with me whenever the parents are busy. As for Jayne, at least she won’t cry when I’m carrying her and she can actually recognize me as someone familiar, not any other stranger on the roads!

9 Jan 060

Of cos’ with the title of “gan-ma”, I will usually become the “target” for “extortion”, especially whenever the parents refuse to buy something that they want. Thank goodness that it are usually the “cheap cheap”, unhealthy snacks that Joey will persist or drag me to the vending machine to buy! Quite expected isn’t it? Otherwise what’s the use of a “gan-ma”?? hahahaha… Now only Joey knows how to use that tactic on Gan-Ma, wait til Jayne knows how to walk & talk!!! Nonetheless, usually I will give in to their requests, otherwise what’s the use of having a “Gan-Ma”, isn’t it, afterall Ganma only sees them probably once a week?? Hahahaha…


Having said so much, I have never regretted being these 2 kids’ gan-ma. They were really like my own kids whereby you would just want to shower them with lots of love. They are definitely 2 kids who brought a lot of fun & laughter into Gan-ma’s life!!

Thank you, Joey & Jayne!! =)