Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Friends Come & Blog Series: Mr Asterix

This is Part 1 of ‘My Friends Come & Blog’ series! I’m away in Malaysia for a retreat with my hubby and kids and will be back this weekend. While I’m away, I got my dear friends to be guest bloggers these few days. Have a blast reading their posts! I’ll be back on Monday with a brand new post. =)

Mr Asterix Tristan Lin

Just a little confession - When Klessis told me to write an entry about Joey and Jayne, my 1st thought was "Wah, what on earth am i supposed to write about?"
and i panicked.  To make matters worse, Serene had to write hers so quickly that Kless started hounding me for my piece. (and i thought she's supposed to be very busy at work :P )

Getting desperate, i thought i could do a kless and flood my entry with photos. but to my horror, i realised that short of stealing photos off this blog itself, i really dun have that many photos with them.  But 皇天不负苦心人.. i found photos deep within the archives of my archived archives.

photo 1 
Joey will always be special, cos my whole life, she is the 1st person in the world to call me Uncle Tristan. and i rejected it for the longest time, cos i dun feel old enough to be called "uncle" and despite my numerous attempts to get her to call me Tristan korkor, i never quite succeeded, to put it mildly. And its amazing really, when i look at all these photos taken when i visited kless in the hospital, to see how much Joey has grown from this tiny little thing into this clever, energetic and very talkative girl.


It’s not hard getting Joey to like you at all, you just have to start running and get her to chase you. And man, she'll be chasing you whole night. as i found out to my detriment a couple of times. =P and I ended up skipping and prancing with her in the middle of Bugis Junction, if I recall correctly. The only problem.... is getting her to stop..

(Mummy Kless: “That’s HOW you get her to stop lor, don’t pretend Tris.. =.=)


She's kinda like Pringles, if you think about it.
Once you pop, you can't stop.

photo 2 
=) this was a photo I took when I went to visit Jayne for the 1st time. Before i went up, at the carpark of the hospital. I don’t know why no one found this funny when i 1st showed it to people. its like the lift lobby is in the ladies!!!

ok nvm.

photo 3 
How can anyone not fall in love with Jayne?
She smiles ALL the time, to EVERYONE! and no matter what anyone (esp kless) would say, she really stares at me more than she does anyone else.
which is a good thing. next time she choose boyfriend she also know how to choose the right kind.

Must be shuai 1. 


But i have always felt that there is much more beneath that sweet and demure front she puts up. Have you seen how she kicks? She kicks non stop, and her hands are always reaching out for something. Once she grabbed my hair and refused to let go. Boy, will i feel sorry for kless when Jayne starts walking.. =P

Secretly, I've always been waiting for Jayne to start walking.
then one fine day, I'll get both girls to run off in different directions and see which one kless chases after. =)