Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Their Perspective

I never fail to be intrigued by how micro children’s perspectives are. They observe and see the smallest thing around them, and can devout all their attention on that small little thing.

Just a few afternoons ago, I found Baby Jayne sitting on the floor staring at something intently. Turned out it was a piece of paper the size of my fingernail. =.= She was attempting to pick up that piece of paper, but kept failing because that would require sophisticated motor skills. Her fingers are not that skilled yet. =D

That piece of paper would appear so insignificant to adults, we probably won’t even notice it’s there. But to a kid, it’s obviously lying there.

Joey is also so observant that it scares me sometimes. She would notice that something was different and point it out. Like when she sees me using a new phone, she would ask me why I bought a new phone and what happened to the old one. Or when I put on a new colour for my nails, she would ask me where I kept the new bottle of nail polish. Scary, eh? Kids remember the smallest detail and more often than not, things that escape the eyes of adults (Ask my husband what’s my current nail colour and I assure you he will go ‘errrrrrr…..’).

One day, I left a towel on Baby Jayne’s highchair table. Just a piece of rag, but look how intently she was staring at it.


See how amused she was while inching her finger towards the towel?


The look of smug when she grabs the towel successfully. diaoz


I think we all need to go back to the beginning when we were kids and everything around us was interesting and worth exploring. As we grow up, we begin to see things more in a macro mode. We tend to neglect the little things, miss out the fine details and focus too much on the ‘big picture’. There’s a time for the big picture of course, but at times, paying attention to details can make that much a difference between good and excellent.

Gosh, we have so much to learn from little children, don’t we? :)