Friday, April 23, 2010

Child-Proofing Is Needed


Baby Jayne is crawling so much nowadays and she always wants us to put her down on the floor so that she can go crawl-exploring. That makes everything quite troublesome because it means we have to sweep our floors all the time, and try to keep stuffs high beyond her touch.

The problem is, we don’t really have time to sweep the floor all the time, and actually 50% of our stuffs are all at low level, especially stuffs that attract her attention – mainly Joey’s toys.

That made child-proofing the house a critical and immediate task to look into. Either that, or I can just endure all her screams and whines and confine her in her cot.


As if the cot is any safer actually. She has grown so tall now that the top ledge of the cot is now at her waist level! And because she loves to stand along the ledge, she can fall over the moment she bends over! And that can happen whenever she drops a toy onto the floor and she instinctively bends forward to attempt to pick it up.

And I haven’t even mentioned what a great big mess she causes every time she pulls down ALL of Joey’s coloring books, color pencils, rattles, musical instruments onto the floor. The worst thing is I can’t get mad at her!


The basic child-proofing stuffs I can do is to put rubber stoppers on the sharp edges of tables, put all heavy and hot things up high.. etc. Ahhh… Boring.