Friday, April 16, 2010

It Was Probably The Worst Day Ever

Yesterday, that is.

It was my 4th day trapped at home with a sick and whiney baby, though the degree of whiney-ness decreased day by day. Still, it was not funny at all to be confined to a four-room flat for that amount of time, not when I am such a hyperactive person. I needed to go out to breathe fresh air!

I survived the first 3 days with not much trouble, I must say. Baby Jayne was lethargic most of the time and so she slept a lot and I just needed to check her temperature periodically. Not too difficult at all.

All the disasters happened in just one day – YESTERDAY.

Joey was at home too, so I had to attend to the needs of 2 kids at the same time. At about 12 noon, I got news that I had to settle some work-related matters urgently. All of a sudden, I had to multi-task between attending to my baby’s whines and cries, answering Joey’s non-stop questions and requests, and do my work at fast speed. It was crazy.

If you happen to be near my house yesterday during that time, you might think we had a zoo going on here. Or a war.


While I was trying to figure out my work, I momentarily forgot that Baby Jayne was crawling freely on the floor. Before I knew it, I heard a gentle thud. Baby Jayne had overturned Joey’s potty!

I know what you’re thinking. Yes, there’s abundance of urine inside!!! By the time I turned around to see, it was already a beautiful sight. Urine running everywhere on the floor, staining and wetting the floor and everything lying on it. I’m not exaggerating, I went ‘AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!’. It was too much for me to take. Baby Jayne had urine on her palms, legs, clothes… everything. Hallelujah.

After a lot of cleaning up of both the baby and the floor, with much muttering under my breath, I thought that I can finally go back to completing my work. I just needed 10 minutes more. Just 10 minutes. I never knew that things could get worse. Like much worse.

Joey was a darling, doing coloring on her own and totally concentrating on her artwork. Baby Jayne was very quiet and suddenly I heard a gentle cough. I turned to see what she’s doing and I saw BLOOD on her lips and hands!!!!!!


She had eaten some red crayons.

I quickly snatched the crayon away from her, and started digging her mouth to see if she bit off a big part of the crayon. Nothing was inside but her whole tongue was RED. Almost all her fingers were stained red. The crayons got on to her legs, clothes, and the floor tiles. Cross-fingers, the crayons are non-toxic. So far, Baby Jayne has not been exhibiting weird behaviors. Hallelujah.

Trust me, by now, I dare not go back to my work anymore. My mind was in a whirl. All I wanted to do was to bathe my baby, feed her milk and tuck her back to bed, where safety and security lie. I needed my sanity back.

Thank God, nothing else disastrous happened for the rest of the day. And I am super duper GLAD to be back at work today. No more confinement! No more boredom! No more disasters!