Friday, April 30, 2010

My Life Has Been Revolutionalized By F&N

I have to  be very frank... My impression of F&N drinks since I was growing up was that it's a major sparkling drinks brand and that the brand's been around longer than I am. That's about it.

But I was so happy to be selected by omy to go cover the Singapore Dance Delight Prelims, and eventually selected as the top 6 bloggers to go into the finals! Because of that, I did many publicity stunts among my friends and members of public, and helped to promote F&N Drinks as their ambassador. I also had the chance to savour F&N sparkling drinks all over again and rediscovered my love for them! It has been an amazing journey so far.. =)


Not only me, my friends around me have also experienced a new-found love for F&N Sparkling drinks that grew up with many of us.. Quite frankly, my life has been revolutionalized by F&N!

And you'll see why.... =)

There're post-its everywhere reminding me to go buy my fav drinks!


I have got F&N drinks stored in the fridge all the time!


My friends shower their love on me by treating me to F&N Sparkling drinks!


And my babies!

They too have been intrigued by F&N and their wonderful-ness! =D


As my 'ambassador-ship' draws to an end soon, I just want to say once again,

"THANK YOU, F&N!" :)