Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Now’s My Turn To Be A Mama

I used to growl at people who used to tell me, “Once you become a mother yourself, you will understand what your mum went through.”

Because, even after I had Joey, I didn’t have that kind of ‘revelation’ of what my mother went through. I’m not saying that taking care of Joey was a piece of cake. There were super a lot of challenges and difficulties, but there was never a moment I stopped in my tracks and said to myself, “My mum must have had such a hard time taking care of me last time!” On hindsight, I think it took me a very long time to really sink into this identity called MOTHER.

Things have started to change though. Especially in the last few weeks, all of a sudden, I would have random thoughts in my mind and I kept thinking of how much hard times my mother went through taking care of me over the years and all of a sudden, this surge of gratitude just comes up to my head.

The principle of sowing & reaping is at play in my life. Recently, I observed Joey’s behaviors and scarily, I could remember myself doing some of those naughty stuffs more than 25 years ago!!!! I know it’s unbelievable but it’s true! How I made my mum’s life miserable last time is now being replayed, except I am not the mother! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

And so, as I started to think about how much my mum has given to me and how she took care of me when I was sick, how she encouraged me when I didn’t do too well in my exams… I suddenly feel bad that I haven’t been spending enough time with her.

It’s true there’re the weekly visits when I bring the kids home to see my parents, but I seldom bring my mum out to just spend time with her.

So sometime last week, I met up with my mum and we went shopping together! It was really a great time spent together and we talked about everything under the sun. It was fun. :)

We had lunch at a Japanese Ramen restaurant..


I brought Baby Jayne along with me… She’s my mum’s pride & joy! She attracted attention everywhere we went. In the shopping malls and in the restaurants, people around us were all playing with her and just smiling along with her. She, on the other hand, kept up her signature smiles. Made everyone so thrilled!




It was a great time spent with my mum and I hope to be able to do that more!

Mothers really put in all their heart and soul into nurturing their children, and they deserve all the care and love from their children as well. Let’s all remember to be children who honor our parents, just like the bible says. And honoring can be as simple as setting aside time specially for them. That alone can bring them up to cloud nine! I really want to do that more often from now on! =)