Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Self-Entertainer

I have a theory (not proven yet) that kids are generally the most manageable when they are between 4-6 years old. I believe so because that’s when the kid is already able to feed herself, bathe herself, go toilet herself, play toys on her own and put herself to sleep. It’s supposedly the most relaxing for the parents before the kid enters primary school after which, all the hard work starts again, in the form of supervising homework and learning spelling.

My Joey can be very attention-seeking at times, but she is also able to entertain herself at other times. Just like last week when we went bowling with some friends, she managed to entertain herself for 2 hours even though she can’t participate in the bowling itself.

The two major tasks for her on that day:

1) Wait for the bowling balls to come out and move them to their respective sides (even though the system can work by itself).

2) Slap Hi-Five with every one who’s finished throwing out a ball.

Please pardon me for the atrocious photo taken on my good ‘ole blackberry as I had forgotten to bring my camera memory card that day!


Boy, was she busy that day!

She was pretty upset when she could not play ‘bowling’ as there was no kids’ lanes at the centre we went to. But she quickly picked herself up after sulking for all of five seconds. This is the spirit of the Kuan family, go girl!

But of course, you cannot expect her to be enjoying that two tasks for the whole time we were there, so by the time she got sick of arranging the balls and slapping Hi-fives, she went on to doing what she does best – Terrorizing my friends. =) I always say I am blessed with great and wonderful friends whose tolerance and patience levels are amazing. =)

So you see, kids have the ability to create something out of nothing. They are able to devise little games to keep themselves busy and occupied. They will never allow themselves to lobo and do nothing! I think we can all learn something from our kids! Don’t waste time! Get moving! =D