Monday, April 05, 2010

She Is My Sunshine

Most parents will agree with me that no matter how naughty our kids may be at times, they are really the sunshine in our lives, lighting up the dark moments and cheering us on when everything around us is stressful and dull.

As Joey grows up slowly, this feeling inside me that she is my sunshine gets stronger and stronger each day. Everything about her cheers me up – Her words, her actions, even her nagging. :)

Brought her swimming last week. Just the 2 of us – I like. :)


We’re a few days away from her 4th birthday and I still can’t come to terms with the fact that she has come into our lives for 4 whole years. It’s amazing how time has passed and the emotions are deep. I shall leave that to an entry on her special day. =)

I am so tempted to let Joey learn swimming. She really loves being in water. Her phobia of water is decreasing slowly but surely! When we went swimming, she spent a lot of time lying back on her float and kicking water. =P


Joey really cracks me up. She says loads of funny stuffs all the time and she laughs at the silliest thing. =P We laugh so much in our short time together!


I taught her how to do the frog style swimming with a float. Haha! She definitely won’t let go of her float for now, so I don’t even need to try. I was hoping she would soon want to try swimming without a float once she knows that the right swimming style will keep her afloat and move her forward in water. =)


The problem with bringing her swimming every time is I always have to spend a lot of effort to persuade her OUT OF WATER! =)
