Thursday, April 08, 2010

To A Little Girl…

I remember with fondness, what it was like when I saw you for the first time.

You came out of me, and I ought to be the first to hold you, kiss you and whisper to you. Yet, every one saw you when you came into this world, except for me. Do you remember? I only saw you on the 2nd day. All because you had to stay in incubation, and Mummy couldn’t get down from bed.

I always think that’s why it took a while for the truth to sink in. I am a mother. I am a mother. I am a mother. Almost unbelievable.

In my mind, I had imagined and thought about you countless times before you were born. I knew in my heart you were going to be the cutest thing I ever laid eyes on. My heart was all prepared for a major fall-in-love the moment I saw you.

Still, it was not what my heart was prepared for. It was way more than that.

You were so beautiful and perfect that I almost stopped breathing when I saw you. I mean, I knew you would be pretty and all, but actually seeing the real you (and not in my imagination), that moment was just unexplainable. How do I describe such a beautiful moment? I couldn’t, and still can’t, understand how I could produce something so breathtakingly beautiful.

Now you see why I remembered that moment so vividly.

The years passed us by so quickly that I almost wanted to freeze time up just so that you will remain a baby. A baby you will always be in my heart, but I know the time will come so soon, for you to go out and explore the world and pursue your dreams. When that day comes, I will remind myself to let go and support you to follow your heart. And how about the day you come and tell me that your boyfriend has proposed to you and you said Yes? I think I might cry tears of joy. I really will.

My prayers for you everyday is that you will grow up healthy and strong, and in the fear of the Lord. I prayed that God will meet your needs and guide you along in life. I prayed that God will use you mightily in His kingdom and that you will serve Him with all your heart. I am seeing that coming to pass bit by bit. I know you love Jesus and will stay faithful and true to Him always. And that’s that matters to me.

Baby, no matter what happens in the future or how many years have passed, you will always remain the greatest blessing in my life. You will always be my firstborn and together, we will brave the ups & down in life hand in hand.

I love you with all my heart.

Happy birthday, Joey.

Love, Mummy