Thursday, April 29, 2010

She Is A Born Leader


I have this belief that every firstborn in the family has innate leadership abilities in them. Somehow, the eldest is always able to lead and guide the younger ones in the family. It is a special anointing that God has placed on the eldest kid and the firstborn.

This feels all the more right when I observe Joey. Since young, she’s been showing strong leadership abilities. In a group of children playing, she is often the one leading, even though she may not the eldest. Not everyone will follow her obviously, but she still leads anyway.

In a group of kids she’s unfamiliar with, she will not hesitate to take the initiative to suggest a game for everyone to play together (usually hide-and-seek) and before long, all the kids would be running here and there having a crazy time.

In school, she’s the pseudo monitoress in her class. She will chide the kids who are not behaving, and give instructions on keeping the chairs, packing the table etc. Somehow, she takes it upon herself to maintain order in the class everyday. Very admirable, I say. Her teachers have told me more than once, that she is the most mature in the class and is able to mentor the younger kids who need help. She is often made the buddy of the new kids or those who need more attention. Good eh? =)

Now that Joey has a younger sister, her leadership skills are put to better use. She watches over her sister, complains to me if she tries to touch my things and chides her for misbehaving. You should hear her long speeches to her mei-mei about how well-behaved she is, and that her mei-mei should learn from her. =.= It is very important for leaders to have strong confidence in themselves.

I am glad to have a firstborn like Joey. She is every bit a joy and pride to me. Gambatte Joey! I can’t wait to see how mightily God will use you as you grow up! =D