Thursday, January 23, 2014

Disney Princesses At Swensen’s!


Finally, finally, finally!!

My favorite cakes now come in my kids’ favorite characters, so it’s going to be a win-win situation at their birthday party this year! :)

My girls have been in the Disney Princess phase for the longest time and there are no signs that it’s going to end anytime soon. I thought that when Joey goes to Primary School, she might start thinking that princess infatuation is a lame thing, but somehow, that has not happened. Quite on the contrary, her love for the Disney Princesses seemed to have grown. I can hardly blame her, can I? Every little girl dreams of herself as a Princess, and of course, somewhere down the road, a Princess with her Prince Charming riding on a white horse.

If you have girls like mine, I am happy to share that Swensen’s has introduced a spanking 21 new Disney Princess designs for their ice-cream cakes! How awesome – Not only will you be able to have your cake in your favorite ice-cream flavor, you can have your favorite princesses smiling back at you. I feel empowered with girl power just thinking about it. Heh.

We are now faced with a bigger problem, it seems. The girls cannot decide which design and what ice-cream flavor to choose for their cakes. But that’s life – It’s all about choices, isn’t it? And when it comes to happy things such as these, we really shouldn’t complain. :P

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Just some of the designs you can choose from:image
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How to Order
Call Swensen’s Cooline at 6788 8128 or visit and select your favorite Disney Princess Cake design.


Customize the shape & size of your cake:

Choose your favorite flavor from over 24 available choices:
Swensen’s Special (Triple treat of Vanilla, Chocolate & Strawberry) • Butterscotch • Chendol • Chocolate • Chocolate Peanut Buttercup • Coffee • Cookies ‘N’ Cream • Frosted Chocolate Malt • Hazelnut • Lime Sherbet • Mango • Milo • Mocha Almond Fudge • Ol’ Fashioned Vanilla • Rocky Road • Salted Gula Melaka • Sticky Chewy Chocolate • Strawberry • Strawberry Sherbet • Thin Mint • Vanilla • Yummy Raisins • Macadamia Nut • Durian Supreme

Decide between self-collection and home delivery of your cake:
Self-Collection of the Disney Princess Ice cream cakes is available from any Swensen’s outlet^, with each cake priced at S$47* per kg.
 Home Delivery is valid for cakes 1.5kg and above, and is priced at S$52* per kg. Three convenient time slots are available to choose from for delivery: 10.30am to 2pm, 2.30pm to 5pm and 5.30pm to 8pm.

Every home delivered Swensen’s Disney Princess Ice Cream Cake will arrive in a unique Swensen’s Cool Box packed with dry ice, keeping the ice cream cake cool and intact before the party. When the party is ready to begin, add some water to the dry ice and surprise your guests with some visual entertainment!

*All prices mentioned above are before GST.
^Please log on to for a full list of Swensen’s outlets.

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Every girl deserves a Disney Princessy birthday this year! :)