Wednesday, April 09, 2014

About Answering The Call Of Nature

Before I became a mom, Murphy’s Law seldom happens to me. But after the kids came along, Murphy became my good friend – He turns up ever so often. If you are a parent just like me, you might agree that there are certain things that only kids will do, and whenever they do it, it drives us crazy. It’s like a button that had been pressed – We instantly morph into monster moms. Not that we can help it – Most of the time, it’s circumstances. You get what I mean.

Just to make my point clear, I’ve decided to list down the things that my kids do to drive me crazy. And this is Edition: Answering The Nature of Call.

Do me a favor: DON’T tell me if your kids do none of this – I’ll not be able to face up to the truth that I am the only tormented mom around. Thankyouverymuch.

1. Their #1 choice of timing to answer the call of nature is right in the middle of a mealtime. Yes, after several mouthfuls of food, and usually right before I put the first spoonful of food into my mouth. 99% of the time, it’s not small business. Do I even need to explain how I can continue eating nonchalantly after a victorious trip to the toilet? It’s a talent that comes with motherhood, don’t envy.

2. We pass by a washroom and I ask, “Who wants to go to the toilet?” Both girls say no. After 10 steps or so, 1 (or both) of them will say,
“Mummy, I want to go to the toilet.” Tanks hor.

3. Bathing the girls can be quite a tedious task now that both girls are active and energetic. After all the shampooing, scrubbing, soaping, drying and powdering, I would think that my job is finally done. But no, 3 minutes after the girls come out of the shower smelly clean, fresh and fragrant, they declare that they need to pass motion. Repeat tedious task all over again after the deed’s done. *&^&$#!*^#$

4. When we are out (usually in an area without a toilet in sight), within 3 seconds from telling me that she needs to go to the toilet, she tells me that she needs to get to the toilet RIGHT NOW because the urine’s coming out NOW. (Why didn’t you say so earlier??!!)

5. Both kids enjoy showing me their excretions after the deed’s done. Usually, they are proud of what their poo looks like, and would ask me to confirm that those were some ‘healthy-looking’ poo, to which I must reply in the positive, before they would allow me to flush them away. I seriously do not know what wrong I have done to deserve poo examinations on a daily basis. =.=

Yep, that’s usually what I feel like doing to my kids when they do any of the above 5.
