Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Today, She Turns 5

Turning five is a big deal, in case you don’t already know it.


Today, Jayne turns 5, and there are FIVE BIG FAT REASONS why she is the sweetheart of the whole family.


1. Jayne is the most caring little girl I’ve ever met.

She asks about your day, pats and hugs you when you are feeling under the weather. She shoves a drawing for me almost everyday - “Mummy, I drew this FOR YOU!” and flashes the sweetest smile ever. She may be a little girl, but she shows her care and concern in the most genuine way possible that it touches our hearts all the time. Every time she gets something, she asks for another one just for her sister. How not to love her to bits?


2. Jayne is a super funny girl.

She is laughing 80% of the time, and because of that, I call her my sunshine girl. I am thankful to God for such a joyful girl – It makes me feel very happy that my girl is happy most of the time. Her little antics everyday make us laugh – I am even beginning to wonder if she might grow up to be a comedian one day. =.= Truth is, our life’s a lot happier because of her.


3. Jayne is a talented drama queen.

Being dramatic does not equate to being a bimbo. In fact, I see lots of talents whenever Jayne is in her drama queen mode. There is an imaginary world that Jayne operates in and talks about very frequently – it’s called The Fashion Show. In that imaginary world, she’s the manager who manages all the super models made up of all her favorite friends. You should totally see her do her incredibly-exaggerated-slanted-buttocks catwalk – You would fall off your chair, I promise.


4. Jayne is a friendly girl who makes friends easily.

Jayne is so friendly and smiley that people warm up to her easily. Sometimes when I bring her to school slightly later in the morning and we bump into her class outside the classroom, her classmates start chanting one by one, “Jayne Kuan!”, “Jayne Kuan Yee Sum!” and all the smiling faces start waving excitedly at her. Initially, I thought her classmates are just very nice kids. But I later realised they don’t have such a warm welcome for every kid. =P Glad to see that she is a nice girl who has friends who love her so.


5. Jayne makes me feel like I am her most important person.

Every mum would understand this – My favorite time of a day is always when I am picking up Jayne from her childcare centre. The way her eyes light up and her mouth break into a big smile when she sees me is so precious. When she is sick, all she wants is for me to hug her and stay close to her all the time. She randomly runs to me, hugs me and tells me that she loves me very much. When I feel that I’ve been let down or have done things that didn’t meet expectations on me, Jayne reminds me that at least to one person, I am the most important person.


Happy birthday, my little baby of 5 years. You’ve brought so much joy into our lives and we love you so much. Have fun growing up and stay the happy self you are, always. :)

Singapore Studio Photography