Product Review
I didn’t grow up enjoying oats. I’ve always been more of a savory person, and to me, oats are usually sweet so I don’t fancy them. It was only about a year ago that I started having cold soaked oats for breakfast (because everyone said it was healthy!) that I fell in love with it. Now, I love oats in all forms – savory or sweet. And I can have it any time of the day. There’s no reason not to love oats – It’s wholesome, healthy and aids in digestion. Plus, it doesn’t add to my weight! For someone who’s at my late 30’s, I need to watch my diet closely so that I can stay healthy and strong for many years to come. Oats therefore became one of my all-time favorite options.
If you are like me and think that oats are usually taken sweet, I’ll love to share a hearty savory oats recipe with you today. Perhaps, you’ll have a new-found love for oats after you try it! =)
- 1/3 cup of Quaker Oats for Rice
(Quaker oats for rice has 5 times more fiber than white rice!) - 1 cup of jasmine white rice
- Japanese curry sauce cubes
- A few Shitake mushrooms diced
- 1 chicken thigh strip diced
- 3 large prawns
- Mozzarella cheese
1. Combine the oats and rice, wash and cook in rice cooker.
2. Dice the mushrooms and chicken.
3. Boil a pot of water (about 2 small bowls) and cook the chicken and mushrooms till soft and fragrant.
4. Add in prawns and cook for another minute. Remove prawns for later use.
5. Add in Japanese curry sauce cubes and bring to boil.
6. Scoop in the cooked oats & rice into the pot and stir to mix well.
7. Transfer the curry oats rice to an oven dish.
8. Place the prawns on top of the curry oats rice.
9. Sprinkle Mozzarella cheese on top.
10. Put into oven/ Airfryer at high heat for 5-7 minutes.
11. Serve hot and enjoy!
Here’s a quick and easy dessert recipe if you like to end your meal on a sweet note – Cold soaked oats with summer peaches & oats cookie crumble!
- 4 tablespoonful of Quaker Oats
(You may opt for rolled oats if you have time to soak it in the fridge for a few hours. Otherwise, use instant or fast cook oats if you need to serve it within an hour or two.) - 1 summer peach
- Quaker Oats Cookies
- Soya bean milk/ Fresh milk
1. Pour oats into a container/cup.
2. Cover the oats with milk and put into fridge.
3. Dice the summer peaches and crunch the cookies.
4. Top the soaked oats with peaches and cookie crunch before serving chilled.
There you are: A very healthy & yummy lunch!
Bon Appetit.
Thank you Quaker Oats for the inspiration!
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Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Quaker. Follow them on Quaker Singapore Facebook for more interesting and fun ways to enjoy your daily dose of oatmeal.