Like many of you out there, I have a kitchen countertop crammed with too many things. Sometimes, we compromise aesthetics for convenience, so everything’s just lined up side by side, causing the kitchen to look cluttered and messy. The kitchen is supposed to be a therapeutic place where the whipping up of yummy meals are done, so it can affect our mood when the kitchen’s not pretty the way we hope it would be.
Just last week, I stood in my kitchen staring at this space in front of me. I didn’t like what I saw. The kitchen counterpart has been looking like that for YEARS. I was getting bored, and I needed to make some changes to it, so that I’ll feel happy cooking in the kitchen.
The problem is, I didn’t have that much time on my hand, and I certainly don’t have the budget to do a major overhaul or renovation for the kitchen. Whenever I meet a situation like that, I turn to my favorite home furnishing store – Ikea. What I’m looking for are solutions to revamp my kitchen fast and easy. In fact, all I took was 5 minutes, and my kitchen countertop looked instantly refreshed.
The best way to revamp a space is to add colors to it. I love the colorful translucent glasses I found at Ikea. Apart from being useful, they also look aesthetically pleasing, especially when lined up in that manner. I have a soft spot for neat arrangements – It’s a form of design on its own.
The weighing machine adds a little retro quirkiness to the space, just like the steel grater. And that glass flask with cork lid is one of my favorite finds at Ikea recently. It’s got a huge mouth and the cork cover makes it look like a cut and fat test tube. Love it!
Adding a tiny pot of plants to the kitchen countertop is another way to spruce up the space. Make it even more useful by selecting plants such as basil, chili, lime etc. You can grab some off the plants and throw them into your cooking right away!
I love this huge steel basket I found too – It can hold my instant coffee sachets and even large fruits like this pomelo we just bought. Perfect!
Don’t underestimate the power of mini revamps like these – Try it and you’ll be surprised at how good it makes you feel. :)
There you have it – A revamp that took only 5 minutes. My kitchen countertop looks so much more cheerful now! =)
Get the look:
SKOJA Glass, $0.50
Ikea 365+ Jug with lid, $12.90
IDEALISK Stainless steel grater, $5.90
Plant pot, $2.90
Disclosure: This is a post sponsored by Ikea Singapore. The J Babies was given an Ikea gift card to purchase some of the items mentioned in this post. However, all photographs, text and ideas are my own.