I am sure you parents would agree with me that when it comes to our family and children, we are the ones who know best. Our motivation always stems out from our genuine love and concern for their well-being, and so every decision we make is definitely for their good. As a mum, the Number 1 thing on my mind is how do I protect my kids in different areas of their lives. I want to protect them from harsh and unkind words, rude behaviors and attitudes, as well as the many hard knocks that life can throw at us. Of course, I know there is no way I can protect them forever. But as long as they are still dependent on me, I want to protect them to the best of my ability, and teach them how to continue protecting themselves when they are grown up.
Having said that, I don’t think anyone can really grow unless they’ve been through some valleys in their lives. So, my wish as a mum is to give my kids room to explore, try and fail, yet knowing that what they have gone through will only make them stronger as a person, and that I will always have their back no matter what happens. I want them to have the assurance that they have someone to run to and draw strength from, even when they are experiencing the lows of their lives. To me, that’s a form of protection as well, don’t you agree? :)
AXA has introduced a new range of policies that target at helping families who wish to ensure the financial protection of their loved ones. I personally find them very comprehensive, especially the SmartFamily Personal Accident plan, which offers 8 care services designed to minimize disruption to daily life during recovery period. You can choose your premium and coverage amount, and best of all, you can make cashless payment for it. So convenient and easy. You can find out more here.
This video from AXA made me smile, because it’s so true. It showcases a showdown between designers and parents to re-design 3 common children items to enhance existing products. The results will effectively show who knows the family best – And I’m sure you can guess the outcome as well.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by AXA. However, all opinions expressed are my mine.