Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Safari Boo 2016 At River Safari (Tickets Giveaway!)

Media invite

The fact that this has become our annual pilgrimage tells you how much my kids enjoy Safari Boo at River Safari.


I can totally understand that of course – I enjoy Safari Boo very much every year too. There is something very mysterious about the River Safari at night, and it’s always an enjoyment to see the sea creatures when it’s cool unlike during the day. Watching them swim gracefully in the waters is extremely therapeutic, especially after  a long day of work. Coupled with a Halloween programme specially planned for the little ones, with sweets and ice-cream given out along the way, there is really very little chance that the kids won’t fall in love with it.


If you are worried whether the event’s scary because it’s Halloween-themed, rest assured that it is totally fun and not the least bit scary. In fact, you’ll leave Safari Boo smiling because of all the interesting facts you’ve learnt about the sea creatures, sweet treats in your tummy and lots of photographs taken with the colorful and lighted-up mascots scattered throughout the park. Then, you start to wonder when next year’s Safari Boo is coming. =P

This year’s theme is Aliens & Monsters, so at the media preview last night, we saw little kids dressed up as astronauts and adorable monsters. We thought the choppers were cute though!


The staff at River Safari were very sporting as always, and tried to get everyone warmed up at the entrance to kick off their Safari Boo fun! So, what can you expect at Safari Boo?


Elaborately Dressed Up Mascots

As you walk through River Safari checking out the different sea creatures, you will meet colorful & lighted-up mascots along the way, who will give out sweets & chocolates to you, and pose for photographs of course! Don’t be in a rush to run off after you get the candies – The mascots are very friendly and will usually engage you in a funny conversation.

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Face & Hand Painting

Get your alien & monsters murals painted free-of-charged by the friendly artists!

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Educational Game Booths

I love it that Safari Boo also incorporates this segment into their programme, where the kids can learn interesting facts about the sea creatures and animals that are more unusual. This year, there were specimens of animals such as hedgehog, owl, turtle, parrot etc that were displayed. Jayne even touched a hedgehog!

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Monster Boo! Performance & Animal Encounters

This is one of the highlights of Safari Boo where the kids get up, close & personal with some interesting animals. At this year’s show, the kids saw the pelican, snake, etc, and whenever the animals appeared in the show, there were lots of excitement among the kids. The staff would also walk down the stage with the animals so that the kids can touch them! Very thrilling for the kids, I’m sure. =D The whole performance lasts about 30 minutes and is a story about how the animal lovers battle against the evil Professor V to restore peace. The kids would love it!


Mermaid Swims With The Manatees!

This was the highlight of the evening for me personally, and I urge you not to miss it! At 7.45pm, 8.45pm & 9.45pm, the mermaids will appear in the manatees’ tank and swim with them. They looked so real, OMG!


We even managed to catch Mermaid when she went above water (to catch her breath obviously, LOL)! How very graceful. :)

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Because of the mermaid, this year has been my favorite Safari Boo by far! Safari Boo is only happening on 21-23 & 28-30 Oct 2016 with limited capacity every night, so make sure you go grab your tickets now if you do not want to be disappointed!



Thanks to River Safari, I have a set of 4 tickets (2 adults & 2 kids) to be given away to one family to check out Safari Boo 2016 this Sunday, 23 Oct 2016! Because the date is drawing near, this giveaway will only happen today & tomorrow, so quickly participate via Rafflecopter below to qualify. The winner will be contacted on Friday, 21 Oct.

a Rafflecopter giveaway