Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Nursery Heaven

Yesterday was the first time Baby Jayne stepped foot in the church Nursery 3. This is a nursery for the older babies, those 12 months and above. But because we were there for a special meeting yesterday, only Nursery 3 was open and Jayne had a great time there!

Lots of toys she’s never seen before, it’s making her thrilled!


The usual Nursery she always goes to has only 1 play pen, but this room was full of colorful toys!!


She crawled everywhere to pick up different toys…


And she would smile every time she found something interesting! =P



See this little door? She crawled through the door again, and again, and again…



I think I can understand how exciting it is for a kid to be surrounded by so many wonderful toys… Our church nursery is awesome! :)


And you know everything felt like deja vu for me?? Joey spent a lot of time in this nursery playing the same toys when she was a baby! Now I see Baby Jayne playing the same stuffs, and the feeling is amazing! Take this house, for example, Joey spent so much time playing in it last time! =D


By the time Baby Jayne can walk, she’ll be whisking in and out of the house, no doubt!


