Saturday, March 06, 2010

2 or 3?

Many people have asked me before whether I want a 3rd kid.

Frankly speaking, I love kids and I think children are really gifts from God. But if you have kids yourself, you know how busy they keep you. As a mother, I have to make sacrifices to my personal time, interests and likes. I may have to do things I hate to do, simply because it’s in the interest of my kids. I may have to make extra effort and money to ensure my kids get the best coaching. And I haven’t even gone into the time spent on them and of course the frustrations that come along with the cuteness when they refuse to listen.

Actually when I was still young and unmarried, I always thought I would like to have 3 kids. Having just 1 was never an option because I’ve heard enough about how lonely an only child would be. Now that I have 2 kids, the natural question would be whether I want to have the 3rd one.


I have friends who used to have strong convictions about having the same number of children as a soccer team. Most of them have changed their minds by now. 2 is enough, they would say. Because the dad and mum each goes after 1, just right!

Of course, if you have a maid, you are entitled to an extra pair of hands, thus you can go for the 3rd one. =)

But that’s not the point.

Currently with 2 kids, I feel that the balance is very good. Of course, baby smells and giggles always make me melt, and nothing beats the satisfaction of cuddling a newborn baby who just entered the world out from your body. And I always think that a big family is fun. But… I am hesitated to step out of my comfort zone now. =P Already as it is, when Joey and Jayne takes turn to fall sick, I feel so overwhelmed. I cannot imagine having to deal with 3. The thought is very daunting.

But of course, I also have friends who have 3 or 4 children, and they say it’s a piece of cake. I never fail to be amazed at their level of patience, capacity and ability to juggle. They are just plain amazing.

We’ll see. =)


  1. you know what? God gives you the patience and the strength when He decides to give you number 3. Honestly speaking, my family would have missed out on tonnes of smiles and laughter if we had stopped at 2. My #3 is alot of work but oh so loving and funny.

    we are stopping tho'. I can't imagine having four running around and going thru all the baby stuff again :P Plus, I've only ever wanted 3.

  2. Hey Frond, it's true... Another kid means another portion of happiness and joy! And that's prob the only reason why I would want to go for another kid. Right now though, I'm pretty happy with my life! =D
